
Tourism and technology - a virtual journey to Switzerland - imaso society 25.02.2004

Thomas Winkler, member of the management of Switzerland tourism, portal management, Internet marketing & computer science showed in this presentation for the 2nd imaso society the use of technology in tourism.

Internet is for Switzerland tourism a strategically important channel. is one the most complex web sites of Switzerland. Contents from 450 sources are aggregated, converted Internet-specifically and spread in 11 languages world-wide.

Documentation (only in German)

pdf Begrüssung 228.93 Kb


Presentation (only in German)

pdf Tourismus und Technologie, Einleitung 2.42 Mb

pdf E Business bei Schweiz Tourismus 368.78 Kb

pdf Über Emotionen zu Buchungen 1.55 Mb

pdf Content Kooperationen 798.01 Kb

pdf MySwitzerland Plattform für Destinationen 621.04 Kb

pdf Wir sind auch selbstkritisch 694.63 Kb

pdf Zusammenfassung und Fragen 394.64 Kb